
What are Hand Tied Hair Extensions?

Hair extensions used to be something people wore in public but discussed in private. Social media has created a platform for industry professionals to take off the veil and share techniques with each other, while evoking interest in beauty secrets people may have never before considered! With a platform virtually anyone can use and post on, there is also plenty of space for misinformation.

“Hand Tied Hair Extensions” took the beauty industry by storm, thanks to the visibility of many prominent influencers, and cross promotion between them and their clients. While hand tied extensions do exist, it’s actually the name for the type of weft you use for your extensions, not the method! The method of application you see all over your Instagram feed is actually called “Beaded Row”, or “Natural Beaded Row” (NBR). For more information about Beaded Row extensions, and how wefts are applied, see this post!

Hand Tied wefts are individually tied on (literally) to a hand sewn weft. Creating these wefts is time consuming, which makes them more expensive than machine tied wefts. Because of the intricate production of this type of weft, the bond (or seam) is very delicate and flexible, resulting in a weft that lays flat to your head and is lightweight and comfortable. This type of weft is excellent for guests with finer hair, or people who simply don’t like the bulk of machine wefts. This type of weft cannot be cut, because it will unravel. Make sure you select someone with extensive knowledge of different types of wefts and application methods to apply and protect this type extension hair.

Machine tied wefts are another excellent option. These wefts have thicker bonds, they are created by feeding real human hair through a machine and sewn together, creating a track. Machine wefts can be easier to work with, because you can cut the track for exactly the size you need to apply. These wefts are great for people with normal to thick hair, or those looking to add a lot of volume. They are long lasting as long if well cared for, and can be used alone or in combination with Hand Tied Wefts to add dimension or thickness.

If you are interested in the application method for either type of weft, or other extension application methods see here!